8.2 Configuring the image location

Static images for card layouts (as inserted by the Insert user image button) are stored on the MyID web server.

To ensure that MyID can access the images, you must set the Image Upload Server configuration option. On the Video page of the Operation Settings workflow, set Image Upload Server to the name or IP address of the MyID web server. Do not include http or https, any virtual directories, or any slashes – the IP address or server name are sufficient.

If the web services server is not the same server as the web server, see also the Setting the location of the web server section in the Web Service Architecture guide.

8.2.1 Setting the list of allowed external server names

If you have images in your card layout that use an absolute URL, and you are issuing devices through the rest.provision service (for example, mobile identities using the Identity Agent Framework, or mobile identity documents) you must configure the service to contain a list of accepted external server names.

If an absolute URL that is used that is not present in the AllowedWebServers list, an error similar to the following occurs:

PS82: "Unable to process image"

To set the list of allowed external server names:

  1. As an administrator, open the appsettings.Production.json file in a text editor.

    By default, this is:

    C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\rest.provision\appsettings.Production.json

    This file is the override configuration file for the appsettings.json file for the web service. If this file does not already exist, you must create it in the same folder as the appsettings.json file.

  2. In the MyID section, edit the AllowedWebServers section.

    If this section does not exist, you must add it.

    The format is:

        "AllowedWebServers": [

    For example, if you have an image with the following URL:


    You must include the following:

        "AllowedWebServers": [
  3. Save the appsettings.Production.json file.
  4. Recycle the web service app pool:

    1. On the MyID web server, in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select Application Pools.
    2. Right-click the myid.rest.provision.pool application pool, then from the pop-up menu click Recycle.

    This ensures that the web service has picked up the changes to the configuration file.